Possible emergence of a skyrmion phase in ferroelectric GaMo$_4$S$_8$

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Polar lacunar spinels, such as GaV$_4$S$_8$ and GaV$_4$Se$_8$, were proposed to host skyrmion phases under magnetic field. In this work, we put forward, as a candidate for Neel-type skyrmion lattice, the isostructural GaMo$_4$S$_8$, here systematically studied via both first-principles calculations and Monte Carlo simulations of model Hamiltonian. Electric polarization, driven by Jahn-Teller distortion, is predicted to arise in GaMo$_4$S$_8$, showing a comparable size but an opposite sign with respect to that evaluated in V-based counterparts and explained in terms of different electron counting arguments and resulting distortions. Interestingly, a larger spin-orbit coupling of 4d orbitals with respect to 3d orbitals in vanadium-spinels leads to stronger Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interactions, which are beneficial to stabilize a cycloidal spin texture, as well as smaller-sized skyrmions (radius<10 nm). Furthermore, the possibly large exchange anisotropy of GaMo4S8 may lead to a ferroelectric-ferromagnetic ground state, as an alternative to the ferroelectric-skyrmionic one, calling for further experimental verification.

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