Locally Heavy Hyperplanes in Multiarrangements

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Hyperplane Arrangements of rank $3$ admitting an unbalanced Ziegler restriction are known to fulfill Teraos conjecture. This long-standing conjecture asks whether the freeness of an arrangement is determined by its combinatorics. In this note, we prove that arrangements that admit a locally heavy flag satisfy Teraos conjecture which is a generalization of the statement above to arbitrary dimension. To this end, we extend results characterizing the freeness of multiarrangements with a heavy hyperplane to those satisfying the weaker notion of a locally heavy hyperplane. As a corollary, we give a new proof that irreducible arrangements with a generic hyperplane are totally non-free. In another application, we show that an irreducible multiarrangement of rank $3$ with at least two locally heavy hyperplanes is not free.

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