Primordial black hole formation with non-Gaussian curvature perturbations

الملخص بالإنكليزية

In the context of transient constant-roll inflation near a local maximum, we derive the non-perturbative field redefinition that relates a Gaussian random field with the true non-Gaussian curvature perturbation. Our analysis shows the emergence of a new critical amplitude $zeta_*$, corresponding to perturbations that prevent the inflaton from overshooting the local maximum, thus becoming trapped in the false minimum of the potential. For potentials with a mild curvature at the local maximum (and thus small non-Gaussianity), we recover the known perturbative field redefinition. We apply these results to the formation of primordial black holes, and discuss the cases for which $zeta_*$ is smaller or of the same order than the critical value for collapse of spherically symmetric overdensities. In the latter case, we present a simple potential for which the power spectrum needs an amplitude 10 times smaller that in the Gaussian case for producing a sizeable amount of primordial black holes.

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