Constraints on HD113337 fundamental parameters and planetary system. Combining long-base visible interferometry, disk imaging and high-contrast imaging

الملخص بالإنكليزية

HD113337 is a Main-Sequence F6V field star more massive than the Sun, hosting one (possibly two) radial velocity (RV) giant planet(s) and a cold debris disk (marked by an infrared excess). We used the VEGA interferometer on the CHARA array to measure HD113337 angular diameter, and derived its linear radius using the Gaia parallax. We computed the bolometric flux to derive its effective temperature and luminosity, and we estimated its mass and age using evolutionary tracks. We used Herschel images to partially resolve the outer disk, and high-contrast images of HD113337 with the LBTI to probe the 10-80 au separation range. Finally, we combined the deduced contrast maps with previous RV of the star using the MESS2 software to bring upper mass limits on possible companions at all separations up to 80 au, taking advantage of the constraints on the age and inclination (brought by the fundamental parameter analysis and the disk imaging, respectively). We derive a limb-darkened angular diameter of 0.386 $pm$ 0.009 mas that converts into a linear radius of 1.50 $pm$ 0.04 solar radius. The fundamental parameter analysis leads to an effective temperature of 6774 $pm$ 125 K, and to two possible age solutions: one young within 14-21 Myr and one old within 0.8-1.7 Gyr. We partially resolve the known outer debris disk and model its emission. Our best solution corresponds to a radius of 85 $pm$ 20 au, an extension of 30 $pm$ 20 au and an inclination within 10-30 degrees for the outer disk. The combination of imaging contrast limits, published RV, and our new age and inclination solutions leads to a first possible estimation of the true masses of the planetary companions: $sim 7_{-2}^{+4}$ Jupiter masses for HD113337 b (confirmed companion), and $sim 16_{-3}^{+10}$ Jupiter masses for HD113337 c (candidate). We also constrain possible additional companions at larger separations.

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