It has been a long standing problem to securely outsource computation tasks to an untrusted party with integrity and confidentiality guarantees. While fully homomorphic encryption (FHE) is a promising technique that allows computations performed on the encrypted data, it suffers from a significant slow down to the computation. In this paper we propose a hybrid solution that uses the latest hardware Trusted Execution Environments (TEEs) to assist FHE by moving the bootstrapping step, which is one of the major obstacles in designing practical FHE schemes, to a secured SGX enclave. TEEFHE, the hybrid system we designed, makes it possible for homomorphic computations to be performed on smaller ciphertext and secret key, providing better performance and lower memory consumption. We make an effort to mitigate side channel leakages within SGX by making the memory access patterns totally independent from the secret information. The evaluation shows that TEEFHE effectively improves the software only FHE schemes in terms of both time and space.
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