Time-dependent product-form Poisson distributions for reaction networks with higher order complexes

الملخص بالإنكليزية

It is well known that stochastically modeled reaction networks that are complex balanced admit a stationary distribution that is a product of Poisson distributions. In this paper, we consider the following related question: supposing that the initial distribution of a stochastically modeled reaction network is a product of Poissons, under what conditions will the distribution remain a product of Poissons for all time? By drawing inspiration from Crispin Gardiners Poisson representation for the solution to the chemical master equation, we provide a necessary and sufficient condition for such a product-form distribution to hold for all time. Interestingly, the condition is a dynamical complex-balancing for only those complexes that have multiplicity greater than or equal to two (i.e. the higher order complexes that yield non-linear terms to the dynamics). We term this new condition the dynamical and restricted complex balance condition (DR for short).

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