A Lie (super)algebra with a non-degenerate invariant symmetric bilinear form $B$ is called a nis-(super)algebra. The double extension $mathfrak{g}$ of a nis-(super)algebra $mathfrak{a}$ is the result of simultaneous adding to $mathfrak{a}$ a central element and a derivation so that $mathfrak{g}$ is a nis-algebra. Loop algebras with values in simple complex Lie algebras are most known among the Lie (super)algebras suitable to be doubly extended. In characteristic 2 the notion of double extension acquires specific features. Restricted Lie (super)algebras are among the most interesting modular Lie superalgebras. In characteristic 2, using Grozmans Mathematica-based package SuperLie, we list double extensions of restricted Lie superalgebras preserving the non-degenerate closed 2-forms with constant coefficients. The results are proved for the number of indeterminates ranging from 4 to 7 - sufficient to conjecture the pattern for larger numbers. Considering multigradings allowed us to accelerate computations up to 100 times.