Stueckelberg breaking of Weyl conformal geometry with applications to gravity

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Weyl conformal geometry may play a role in early cosmology where effective theory at short distances becomes conformal. Weyl conformal geometry also has a built-in geometric Stueckelberg mechanism: it is broken spontaneously to Riemannian geometry after a Weyl gauge transformation (of gauge fixing) while Stueckelberg mechanism re-arranges the degrees of freedom, conserving their number ($n_{df}$). The Weyl gauge field ($omega_mu$) of local scale transformations acquires a mass after absorbing a compensator (dilaton), decouples, and Weyl connection becomes Riemannian. Mass generation has thus a dynamic origin, as a transition from Weyl to Riemannian geometry. We show that a gauge fixing symmetry transformation of the original Weyl quadratic gravity action in its Weyl geometry formulation immediately gives the Einstein-Proca action for the Weyl gauge field and a positive cosmological constant, plus matter action (if present). As a result, the Planck scale is an {it emergent} scale, where Weyl gauge symmetry is spontaneously broken and Einstein action is the broken phase of Weyl action. This is in contrast to local scale invariant models (no gauging) where a negative kinetic term (ghost dilaton) remains present and $n_{df}$ is not conserved when this symmetry is broken. The mass of $omega_mu$, setting the non-metricity scale, can be much smaller than $M_text{Planck}$, for ultraweak values of the coupling ($q$). If matter is present, a positive contribution to the Planck scale from a scalar field ($phi_1$) vev induces a negative (mass)$^2$ term for $phi_1$ and spontaneous breaking of the symmetry under which it is charged. These results are immediate when using a Weyl geometry formulation of an action instead of its Riemannian picture. Briefly, Weyl gauge symmetry is physically relevant and its role in high scale physics should be reconsidered.

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