Condensation of Fluctuations in the Ising Model: a Transition without Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking

الملخص بالإنكليزية

The ferromagnetic transition in the Ising model is the paradigmatic example of ergodicity breaking accompanied by symmetry breaking. It is routinely assumed that the thermodynamic limit is taken with free or periodic boundary conditions. More exotic symmetry-preserving boundary conditions, like cylindrical antiperiodic, are less frequently used for special tasks, such as the study of phase coexistence or the roughening of an interface. Here we show, instead, that when the thermodynamic limit is taken with these boundary conditions, a novel type of transition takes place below $T_c$ (the usual Ising transition temperature) without breaking neither ergodicity nor symmetry. Then, the low temperature phase is characterized by a regime (condensation) of strong magnetizations fluctuations which replaces the usual ferromagnetic ordering. This is due to critical correlations perduring for all T below Tc. The argument is developed exactly in the $d=1$ case and numerically in the d=2 case.

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