Global Hierarchical Collapse In Molecular Clouds. Towards a Comprehensive Scenario

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We present a unified description of the scenario of Global Hierarchical Collapse and fragmentation (GHC) in molecular clouds (MCs), owing to the continuous decrease of the average Jeans mass in the contracting cloud. GHC constitutes a regime of collapses within collapses, in which small-scale collapses begin at later times, but occur on shorter timescales than large-scale ones. The difference in timescales allows for most of the clouds mass to be dispersed by feedback from the first massive stars, maintaining the global star formation rate low. All scales accrete from their parent structures. The main features of GHC are: star-forming MCs are in an essentially pressureless regime, which produces filaments that accrete onto clumps and cores (hubs). The filaments constitute the collapse flow from cloud to hub scales and may approach a quasi-stationary state; the molecular and dense mass fractions of the clouds increase over time; the first (low-mass) stars appear several Myr after global contraction began; more massive stars appear after a few Myr in massive hubs resulting from the collapse of larger scales; the minimum fragment mass may extend well into the brown-dwarf regime; Bondi-Hoyle-Lyttleton accretion occurs at the protostellar and core scales, accounting for a near-Salpeter IMF; the extreme anisotropy of the filamentary network explains the difficulty in detecting large-scale infall signatures; the balance between inertial and gravitationally-driven motions in clumps evolves during the contraction; prestellar cores adopt Bonnor-Ebert-like profiles, but are contracting ever since early times when they may appear to be unbound and to require pressure confinement; stellar clusters develop radial age and mass segregation gradients. Finally, we discuss the incompatibility between supersonic turbulence and the observed scalings in the molecular hierarchy.

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