Dynamical quantum phase transitions in many-body localized systems

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We investigate dynamical quantum phase transitions in disordered quantum many-body models that can support many-body localized phases. Employing $l$-bits formalism, we lay out the conditions for which singularities indicative of the transitions appear in the context of many-body localization. Using the combination of the mapping onto $l$-bits and exact diagonalization results, we explicitly demonstrate the presence of these singularities for a candidate model that features many-body localization. Our work paves the way for understanding dynamical quantum phase transitions in the context of many-body localization, and elucidating whether different phases of the latter can be detected from analyzing the former. The results presented are experimentally accessible with state-of-the-art ultracold-atom and ion-trap setups.

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