Interaction-aware Kalman Neural Networks for Trajectory Prediction

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Forecasting the motion of surrounding obstacles (vehicles, bicycles, pedestrians and etc.) benefits the on-road motion planning for intelligent and autonomous vehicles. Complex scenes always yield great challenges in modeling the patterns of surrounding traffic. For example, one main challenge comes from the intractable interaction effects in a complex traffic system. In this paper, we propose a multi-layer architecture Interaction-aware Kalman Neural Networks (IaKNN) which involves an interaction layer for resolving high-dimensional traffic environmental observations as interaction-aware accelerations, a motion layer for transforming the accelerations to interaction aware trajectories, and a filter layer for estimating future trajectories with a Kalman filter network. Attributed to the multiple traffic data sources, our end-to-end trainable approach technically fuses dynamic and interaction-aware trajectories boosting the prediction performance. Experiments on the NGSIM dataset demonstrate that IaKNN outperforms the state-of-the-art methods in terms of effectiveness for traffic trajectory prediction.

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