Stochastic tidal heating by random interactions with extended substructures

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Gravitating systems surrounded by a dynamic sea of substructures experience fluctuations of the local tidal field which inject kinetic energy into the internal motions. This paper uses stochastic calculus techniques to describe `tidal heating as a random walk of orbital velocities that leads to diffusion in a 4-dimensional energy--angular momentum space. In spherical, static potentials we derive analytical solutions for the Greens propagators directly from the number density and velocity distribution of substructures with known mass & size functions without arbitrary cuts in forces or impact parameters. Furthermore, a Monte-Carlo method is presented, which samples velocity kicks from a probability function and can be used to model orbital scattering in fully generic potentials. For illustration, we follow the evolution of planetary orbits in a clumpy environment. We show that stochastic heating of (mass-less) discs in a Keplerian potential leads to the formation, and subsequent `evaporation of Oort-like clouds, and derive analytical expressions for the escape rate and the fraction of comets on retrograde orbits as a function of time. Extrapolation of the subhalo mass function of Milky Way-like haloes down to the WIMP free-streaming length suggests that objects in the outer Solar system experience repeated interactions with dark microhaloes on dynamical time-scales.

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