We investigate the thermal physics of a Bose-Hubbard model with Rashba spin-orbit coupling starting from a strong coupling mean-field ground state. The essential role of the spin-orbit coupling $left(gammaright)$ is to promote condensation of the bosons at a finite wavevector ${k}_{0}$. We find that the bosons display either homogeneous or phase-twisted or orbital ordered superfluid phases, depending on $gamma$ and the inter-species interaction strength $lambda$. We show that an increase of $gamma$ leads to suppression of the critical interaction $U_c$ for the superfluid to Mott insulator transition in the ground state, and a reduction of the $T_c$ for superfluid to Bose-liquid transition at a fixed interaction. We capture the thermal broadening in the momentum distribution function, and the real space profiles of the thermally disordered magnetic textures, including their homogenization for $T gtrsim T_{c}$. We provide a Landau theory based description of the ground state phase boundaries and thermal transition scales, and discuss experiments which can test our theory.
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