Interpolation of partial and full supersymmetry breakings in $cal{N} = 2$ supergravity

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We discuss an $cal{N}=2$ supergravity model that interpolates the full and the partial supersymmetry breakings. In particular, we find the conditions for an $cal{N}=0$ Minkowski vacuum, which is continuously connected to the partial-breaking ($cal{N}=1$ preserving) one. The model contains multiple (Abelian) vector multiplets and a single hypermultiplet, and is constructed by employing the embedding tensor technique. We compute the mass spectrum on the Minkowski vacuum, and find some non-trivial mass relations among the massive fields. Our model allows us to choose the two supersymmetry-breaking scales independently, and to discuss the cascade supersymmetry breaking for the applications to particle phenomenology and cosmology.

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