Qubit Entanglement generation by Gaussian non-Markovian dynamics

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We consider two qubits interacting with a common bosonic bath, but not directly between themselves. We derive the (bipartite) entanglement generation conditions for Gaussian non-Markovian dynamical maps and show that they are similar as in the Markovian regime; however, they depend on different physical coefficients and hold on different time scales. Indeed, for small times, in the non-Markovian regime entanglement is possibly generated on a shorter time scale ($propto t^2$) than in the Markovian one ($propto t$). Moreover, although the singular coupling limit of non-Markovian dynamics yields Markovian ones, we show that the same limit does not lead from non-Markovian entanglement generation conditions to Markovian ones. Also, the entanglement generation conditions do not depend on the initial time for non-Markovian open dynamics resulting from couplings to bosonic Gaussian baths, while they may depend on time for open dynamics originated by couplings to classical, stochastic Gaussian environments.

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