Online Ramsey theory for a triangle on $F$-free graphs

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Given a class $mathcal{C}$ of graphs and a fixed graph $H$, the online Ramsey game for $H$ on $mathcal C$ is a game between two players Builder and Painter as follows: an unbounded set of vertices is given as an initial state, and on each turn Builder introduces a new edge with the constraint that the resulting graph must be in $mathcal C$, and Painter colors the new edge either red or blue. Builder wins the game if Painter is forced to make a monochromatic copy of $H$ at some point in the game. Otherwise, Painter can avoid creating a monochromatic copy of $H$ forever, and we say Painter wins the game. We initiate the study of characterizing the graphs $F$ such that for a given graph $H$, Painter wins the online Ramsey game for $H$ on $F$-free graphs. We characterize all graphs $F$ such that Painter wins the online Ramsey game for $C_3$ on the class of $F$-free graphs, except when $F$ is one particular graph. We also show that Painter wins the online Ramsey game for $C_3$ on the class of $K_4$-minor-free graphs, extending a result by Grytczuk, Ha{l}uszczak, and Kierstead.

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