Improved encoding and decoding for non-adaptive threshold group testing

الملخص بالإنكليزية

The goal of threshold group testing is to identify up to $d$ defective items among a population of $n$ items, where $d$ is usually much smaller than $n$. A test is positive if it has at least $u$ defective items and negative otherwise. Our objective is to identify defective items in sublinear time the number of items, e.g., $mathrm{poly}(d, ln{n}),$ by using the number of tests as low as possible. In this paper, we reduce the number of tests to $O left( h times frac{d^2 ln^2{n}}{mathsf{W}^2(d ln{n})} right)$ and the decoding time to $O left( mathrm{dec}_0 times h right),$ where $mathrm{dec}_0 = O left( frac{d^{3.57} ln^{6.26}{n}}{mathsf{W}^{6.26}(d ln{n})} right) + O left( frac{d^6 ln^4{n}}{mathsf{W}^4(d ln{n})} right)$, $h = Oleft( frac{d_0^2 ln{frac{n}{d_0}}}{(1-p)^2} right)$ , $d_0 = max{u, d - u }$, $p in [0, 1),$ and $mathsf{W}(x) = Theta left( ln{x} - ln{ln{x}} right).$ If the number of tests is increased to $Oleft( h times frac{d^2ln^3{n}}{mathsf{W}^2(d ln{n})} right),$ the decoding complexity is reduced to $O left(mathrm{dec}_1 times h right),$ where $mathrm{dec}_1 = max left{ frac{d^2 ln^3{n}}{mathsf{W}^2(d ln{n})}, frac{ud ln^4{n}}{mathsf{W}^3(d ln{n})} right}.$ Moreover, our proposed scheme is capable of handling errors in test outcomes.

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