On the Approximability of Time Disjoint Walks

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We introduce the combinatorial optimization problem Time Disjoint Walks (TDW), which has applications in collision-free routing of discrete objects (e.g., autonomous vehicles) over a network. This problem takes as input a digraph $G$ with positive integer arc lengths, and $k$ pairs of vertices that each represent a trip demand from a source to a destination. The goal is to find a walk and delay for each demand so that no two trips occupy the same vertex at the same time, and so that a min-max or min-sum objective over the trip durations is realized. We focus here on the min-sum variant of Time Disjoint Walks, although most of our results carry over to the min-max case. We restrict our study to various subclasses of DAGs, and observe that there is a sharp complexity boundary between Time Disjoint Walks on oriented stars and on oriented stars with the central vertex replaced by a path. In particular, we present a poly-time algorithm for min-sum and min-max TDW on the former, but show that min-sum TDW on the latter is NP-hard. Our main hardness result is that for DAGs with max degree $Deltaleq3$, min-sum Time Disjoint Walks is APX-hard. We present a natural approximation algorithm for the same class, and provide a tight analysis. In particular, we prove that it achieves an approximation ratio of $Theta(k/log k)$ on bounded-degree DAGs, and $Theta(k)$ on DAGs and bounded-degree digraphs.

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