Wind Roche Lobe Overflow as a way to make type Ia supernova from the widest symbiotic systems

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Symbiotic stars are interacting binaries with one of the longest orbital periods. Since they can contain a massive white dwarf with a high accretion rate they are considered a possible type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) progenitors. Among symbiotic binaries there are systems containing a Mira donor, which can have orbital periods of a few tens of years and more. This subclass of symbiotic stars due to their very large separation usually was not considered promising SNe Ia progenitors. We analysed evolution of one of the well studied symbiotic star with a Mira donor, V407 Cyg. We showed that the standard evolution model predicts that the system will not become a SN Ia. However, by simply adding a Wind Roche Lobe Overflow as one of the mass transfer modes we predict that the white dwarf in V407 Cyg will reach the Chandrasekhar limit in 40-200 Myr.

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