Fast and Reliable Initial Access with Random Beamforming for mmWave Networks

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Millimeter-wave (mmWave) communications rely on directional transmissions to overcome severe path loss. Nevertheless, the use of narrow beams complicates the initial access procedure and increase the latency as the transmitter and receiver beams should be aligned for a proper link establishment. In this paper, we investigate the feasibility of random beamforming for the cell-search phase of initial access. We develop a stochastic geometry framework to analyze the performance in terms of detection failure probability and expected latency of initial access as well as total data transmission. Meanwhile, we compare our scheme with the widely used exhaustive search and iterative search schemes, in both control plane and data plane. Our numerical results show that, compared to the other two schemes, random beamforming can substantially reduce the latency of initial access with comparable failure probability in dense networks. We show that the gain of the random beamforming is more prominent in light traffics and low-latency services. Our work demonstrates that developing complex cell-discovery algorithms may be unnecessary in dense mmWave networks and thus shed new lights on mmWave network design.

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