Order Fractionalization

الملخص بالإنكليزية

The confluence of quantum mechanics and complexity, which leads to the emergence of rich, exotic states of matter, motivates the extension of our concepts of quantum ordering. The twin concepts of spontaneously broken symmetry, described in terms of a Landau order parameter, and of off-diagonal long-range order (ODLRO), are fundamental to our understanding of phases of matter. In electronic matter it has long been assumed that Landau order parameters involve an even number of electron fields, with integer spin and even charge, that are bosons. On the other hand, in low-dimensional magnetism, operators are known to fractionalize so that the excitations carry spin-1/2. Motivated by experiment, mean-field theory and computational results, we extend the concept of ODLRO into the time domain, proposing that in a broken symmetry state, quantum operators can fractionalize into half-integer order parameters. Using numerical renormalization group studies we show how such fractionalized order can be induced in quantum impurity models. We then conjecture that such order develops spontaneously in lattice quantum systems, due to positive feedback, leading to a new family of phases, manifested by a coincidence of broken symmetry and fractionalized excitations that can be detected by experiment.

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