Mixture of Regression Experts in fMRI Encoding

الملخص بالإنكليزية

fMRI semantic category understanding using linguistic encoding models attempt to learn a forward mapping that relates stimuli to the corresponding brain activation. Classical encoding models use linear multi-variate methods to predict the brain activation (all voxels) given the stimulus. However, these methods essentially assume multiple regions as one large uniform region or several independent regions, ignoring connections among them. In this paper, we present a mixture of experts-based model where a group of experts captures brain activity patterns related to particular regions of interest (ROI) and also show the discrimination across different experts. The model is trained word stimuli encoded as 25-dimensional feature vectors as input and the corresponding brain responses as output. Given a new word (25-dimensional feature vector), it predicts the entire brain activation as the linear combination of multiple experts brain activations. We argue that each expert learns a certain region of brain activations corresponding to its category of words, which solves the problem of identifying the regions with a simple encoding model. We showcase that proposed mixture of experts-based model indeed learns region-based experts to predict the brain activations with high spatial accuracy.

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