Avalanche Dynamics and Correlations in Neural Systems

الملخص بالإنكليزية

The existence of power-law distributions is only a first requirement in the validation of the critical behavior of a system. Long-range spatio-temporal correlations are fundamental for the spontaneous neuronal activity to be the expression of a system acting close to a critical point. This chapter focuses on temporal correlations and avalanche dynamics in the spontaneous activity of cortex slice cultures and in the resting fMRI BOLD signal. Long-range correlations are investigated by means of the scaling of power spectra and of Detrended Fluctuations Analysis. The existence of 1/f decay in the power spectrum, as well as of power-law scaling in the root mean square fluctuations function for the appropriate balance of excitation and inhibition suggests that long-range temporal correlations are distinctive of healthy brains. The corresponding temporal organization of neuronal avalanches can be dissected by analyzing the distribution of inter-event times between successive events. In rat cortex slice cultures this distribution exhibits a non-monotonic behavior, not usually found in other natural processes. Numerical simulations provide evidences that this behavior is a consequence of the alternation between states of high and low activity, leading to a dynamic balance between excitation and inhibition that tunes the system at criticality. In this scenario, inter-times show a peculiar relation with avalanche sizes, resulting in a hierarchical structure of avalanche sequences. Large avalanches correspond to low-frequency oscillations, and trigger cascades of smaller avalanches that are part of higher frequency rhythms. The self-regulated balance of excitation and inhibition observed in cultures is confirmed at larger scales, i.e. on fMRI data from resting brain activity, and appears to be closely related to critical features of avalanche activity.

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