Probing type Ia supernova properties using bolometric light curves from the Carnegie Supernova Project and the CfA Supernova Group

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We present bolometric light curves constructed from multi-wavelength photometry of Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) from the Carnegie Supernova Project and the CfA Supernova Group, using near-infrared observations to provide robust constraints on host galaxy dust extinction. This set of light curves form a well-measured reference set for comparison with theoretical models. Ejected mass and synthesized $^{56}$Ni mass are inferred for each SN Ia from its bolometric light curve using a semi-analytic Bayesian light curve model, and fitting formulae provided in terms of light curve width parameters from the SALT2 and SNooPy light curve fitters. A weak bolometric width-luminosity relation is confirmed, along with a correlation between ejected mass and the bolometric light curve width. SNe Ia likely to have sub-Chandrasekhar ejected masses belong preferentially to the broad-line and cool-photosphere spectroscopic subtypes, and have higher photospheric velocities and populate older, higher-mass host galaxies than SNe Ia consistent with Chandrasekhar-mass explosions. Two peculiar events, SN 2006bt and SN 2006ot, have normal peak luminosities but appear to have super-Chandrasekhar ejected masses.

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