Antiferromagnet-based spintronic functionality by controlling isospin domains in a layered perovskite iridate

الملخص بالإنكليزية

The novel electronic state of the canted antiferromagnetic (AFM) insulator, strontium iridate (Sr2IrO4) has been well described by the spin-orbit-entangled isospin Jeff = 1/2, but the role of isospin in transport phenomena remains poorly understood. In this study, antiferromagnet-based spintronic functionality is demonstrated by combining unique characteristics of the isospin state in Sr2IrO4. Based on magnetic and transport measurements, large and highly anisotropic magnetoresistance (AMR) is obtained by manipulating the antiferromagnetic isospin domains. First-principles calculations suggest that electrons whose isospin directions are strongly coupled to in-plane net magnetic moment encounter the isospin mismatch when moving across antiferromagnetic domain boundaries, which generates a high resistance state. By rotating a magnetic field that aligns in-plane net moments and removes domain boundaries, the macroscopically-ordered isospins govern dynamic transport through the system, which leads to the extremely angle-sensitive AMR. As with this work that establishes a link between isospins and magnetotransport in strongly spin-orbit-coupled AFM Sr2IrO4, the peculiar AMR effect provides a beneficial foundation for fundamental and applied research on AFM spintronics.

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