Adiabatic Electroweak Baryogenesis Driven by an Axion-like Particle

الملخص بالإنكليزية

An axion-like particle (ALP) offers a new direction in electroweak baryogenesis because the periodic nature enables it to trigger a strong first-order phase transition insensitively to the decay constant $f$. For $f$ much above TeV, the ALP-induced electroweak phase transition is approximately described by adiabatic processes, distinguishing our scenario for electroweak baryogenesis from the conventional ones. We show that, coupled to the electroweak anomaly, the ALP can naturally realize spontaneous electroweak baryogenesis to solve the matter-antimatter asymmetry problem for $f$ in the range between about $10^5$ GeV and $10^7$ GeV. In such an ALP window, the $CP$ violation for baryogenesis is totally free from the experimental constraints, especially from the recently improved limit on the electron electric dipole moment. Future searches for ALPs could probe our scenario while revealing the connection between electroweak symmetry breaking and baryogenesis.

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