SkyMapper stellar parameters for Galactic Archaeology on a grand-scale

الملخص بالإنكليزية

The SkyMapper photometric surveys provides uvgriz photometry for several millions sources in the Southern sky. We use DR1.1 to explore the quality of its photometry, and develop a formalism to homogenise zero-points across the sky using stellar effective temperatures. Physical flux transformations, and zero-points appropriate for this release are derived, along with relations linking colour indices to stellar parameters. Reddening-free pseudo-colours and pseudo-magnitudes are also introduced. For late-type stars which are best suited for Galactic Archaeology, we show that SkyMapper+2MASS are able to deliver a precision better than 100K in effective temperatures (depending on the filters), ~0.2dex for metallicities above -2, and a reliable distinction between M-dwarfs and -giants. Together with astrometric and asteroseismic space mission, SkyMapper promises to be a treasure trove for stellar and Galactic studies.

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