The next generation Very Large Array (ngVLA) will revolutionize our understanding of the distant Universe via the detection of cold molecular gas in the first galaxies. Its impact on studies of galaxy characterization via detailed gas dynamics will provide crucial insight on dominant physical drivers for star-formation in high redshift galaxies, including the exchange of gas from scales of the circumgalactic medium down to resolved clouds on mass scales of $sim10^{5},M_odot$. In this study, we employ a series of high-resolution, cosmological, hydrodynamic zoom simulations from the MUFASA simulation suite and a CASA simulator to generate mock ngVLA observations of a $zsim4.5$ gas rich star-forming galaxy. Using the DESPOTIC radiative transfer code that encompasses simultaneous thermal, chemical, and statistical equilibrium in calculating the molecular and atomic level transitions of CO from ALMA for comparison. We find that observations of CO(1-0) are especially important for tracing the systemic redshift of the galaxy and the total mass of the well-shielded molecular gas reservoir, while even CO(2-1) can predominantly trace denser gas regions distinct from CO(1-0). The factor of 100 times improvement in mapping speed for the ngVLA beyond the Jansky VLA and the proposed ALMA Band 1 will make these detailed, high-resolution imaging and kinematic studies of CO(1-0) routine at $zsim2-5$.
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