On relative clique number of colored mixed graphs

الملخص بالإنكليزية

An $(m, n)$-colored mixed graph is a graph having arcs of $m$ different colors and edges of $n$ different colors. A graph homomorphism of an $(m, n$)-colored mixed graph $G$ to an $(m, n)$-colored mixed graph $H$ is a vertex mapping such that if $uv$ is an arc (edge) of color $c$ in $G$, then $f(u)f(v)$ is also an arc (edge) of color $c$. The ($m, n)$-colored mixed chromatic number of an $(m, n)$-colored mixed graph $G$, introduced by Nev{s}etv{r}il and Raspaud [J. Combin. Theory Ser. B 2000] is the order (number of vertices) of the smallest homomorphic image of $G$. Later Bensmail, Duffy and Sen [Graphs Combin. 2017] introduced another parameter related to the $(m, n)$-colored mixed chromatic number, namely, the $(m, n)$-relative clique number as the maximum cardinality of a vertex subset which, pairwise, must have distinct images with respect to any colored homomorphism. In this article, we study the $(m, n$)-relative clique number for the family of subcubic graphs, graphs with maximum degree $Delta$, planar graphs and triangle-free planar graphs and provide new improved bounds in each of the cases. In particular, for subcubic graphs we provide exact value of the parameter.

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