Hole-pocket-driven superconductivity and its universal features in the electron-doped cuprates

الملخص بالإنكليزية

After three decades of enormous scientific inquiry, the emergence of superconductivity in the cuprates remains an unsolved puzzle. One major challenge has been to arrive at a satisfactory understanding of the unusual metallic normal state from which the superconducting state emerges upon cooling. A second challenge has been to achieve a unified understanding of hole- and electron-doped compounds. Here we report detailed magnetoresistivity measurements for the archetypal electron-doped cuprate Nd$_{2-x}$Ce$_x$CuO$_{4+{delta}}$ that, in combination with prior data, provide crucial links between the normal and superconducting states and between the electron- and hole-doped parts of the phase diagram. The characteristics of the normal state (magnetoresistivity, quantum oscillations, and Hall coefficient) and those of the superconducting state (superfluid density and upper critical field) consistently indicate two-band (electron and hole) features and clearly point to hole-pocket-driven superconductivity in these nominally electron-doped materials. We show that the approximate Uemura scaling between the superconducting transition temperature and the superfluid density found for hole-doped cuprates also holds for the small hole component of the superfluid density in the electron-doped cuprates.

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