On minimal Ramsey graphs and Ramsey equivalence in multiple colours

الملخص بالإنكليزية

For an integer $qge 2$, a graph $G$ is called $q$-Ramsey for a graph $H$ if every $q$-colouring of the edges of $G$ contains a monochromatic copy of $H$. If $G$ is $q$-Ramsey for $H$, yet no proper subgraph of $G$ has this property then $G$ is called $q$-Ramsey-minimal for $H$. Generalising a statement by Burr, Nev{s}etv{r}il and Rodl from 1977 we prove that, for $qge 3$, if $G$ is a graph that is not $q$-Ramsey for some graph $H$ then $G$ is contained as an induced subgraph in an infinite number of $q$-Ramsey-minimal graphs for $H$, as long as $H$ is $3$-connected or isomorphic to the triangle. For such $H$, the following are some consequences. (1) For $2le r< q$, every $r$-Ramsey-minimal graph for $H$ is contained as an induced subgraph in an infinite number of $q$-Ramsey-minimal graphs for $H$. (2) For every $qge 3$, there are $q$-Ramsey-minimal graphs for $H$ of arbitrarily large maximum degree, genus, and chromatic number. (3) The collection ${{cal M}_q(H) : H text{ is 3-connected or } K_3}$ forms an antichain with respect to the subset relation, where ${cal M}_q(H)$ denotes the set of all graphs that are $q$-Ramsey-minimal for $H$. We also address the question which pairs of graphs satisfy ${cal M}_q(H_1)={cal M}_q(H_2)$, in which case $H_1$ and $H_2$ are called $q$-equivalent. We show that two graphs $H_1$ and $H_2$ are $q$-equivalent for even $q$ if they are $2$-equivalent, and that in general $q$-equivalence for some $qge 3$ does not necessarily imply $2$-equivalence. Finally we indicate that for connected graphs this implication may hold: Results by Nev{s}etv{r}il and Rodl and by Fox, Grinshpun, Liebenau, Person and Szabo imply that the complete graph is not $2$-equivalent to any other connected graph. We prove that this is the case for an arbitrary number of colours.

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