Role of charged particle emission on the evaporation residue formation in the $^{82}$Se+$^{138}$Ba reaction leading to the $^{220}$Th compound nucleus

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We present detailed results of a theoretical investigation on the production of evaporation residue nuclei obtained in a heavy ion reaction when charged particles (proton and $alpha$-particle) are also emitted with the neutron evaporation along the deexcitation cascade of the formed compound nucleus. The almost mass symmetric $^{82}$Se+$^{138}$Ba reaction has been studied since there are many experimental results on individual evaporation residue (ER) cross sections after few light particle emissions along the cascade of the $^{220}$Th compound nucleus (CN) covering the wide 12--70 MeV excitation energy range. Our specific theoretical results on the ER cross sections for the $^{82}$Se+$^{138}$Ba are in good agreement with the available experimental measurements, but our overall theoretical results concerning all possible relevant contributions of evaporation residues are several times greater than the ERs measured in experiment. The discrepancy could be due to the experimental difficulties in the identification of ER nuclei after the emission of multiple neutral and charged particles, nevertheless the analysis of ER data is very important to test the reliability of the model and to stress the importance on the investigation of ER nuclei also obtained after charged particle emissions.

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