Photon-antibunching in the fluorescence of statistical ensembles of emitters at an optical nanofiber-tip

الملخص بالإنكليزية

This proposal investigates the photon-statistics of light emitted by a statistical ensemble of cold atoms excited by the near-field of an optical nanofiber tip. Dipole-dipole interactions of atoms at such short distance from each other suppress the simultaneous emission of more than one photon and lead to antibunching of photons. We consider a mean atom number on the order of one and deal with a poissonian mixture of one and two atoms including dipole-dipole interactions and collective decay. Time tracks of the atomic states are simulated in quantum Monte Carlo simulations from which the $g^{(2)}$-photon autocorrelation function is derived. The general results can be applied to any statistical ensemble of emitters that are interacting by dipole-dipole interactions.

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