Convergence properties of many parallel servers under power-of-D load balancing

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We consider a system of N queues with decentralized load balancing such as power-of-D strategies(where D may depend on N) and generic scheduling disciplines. To measure the dependence of the queues, we use the clan of ancestors, a technique coming from interacting particle systems. Relying in that analysis we prove quantitative estimates on the queues correlations implying propagation of chaos for systems with Markovian arrivals and general service time distribution. This solves the conjecture posed by Bramsom et. al. in [*] concerning the asymptotic independence of the servers in the case of processor sharing policy. We then proceed to prove asymptotic insensitivity in the stationary regime for a wide class of scheduling disciplines and obtain speed of convergence estimates for light tailed service distribution. [*] M. BRAMSON, Y. LU AND B. PRABHAKAR, Asymptotic independence of queues under randomized load balancing, Queueing Syst., 71:247-292, 2012.

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