$J/psi$ polarization in the CGC+NRQCD approach

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We compute the $J/psi$ polarization observables $lambda_theta$, $lambda_phi$, $lambda_{thetaphi}$ in a Color Glass Condensate (CGC) + nonrelativistic QCQ (NRQCD) formalism that includes contributions from both color singlet and color octet intermediate states. Our results are compared to low $p_T$ data on $J/psi$ polarization from the LHCb and ALICE experiments on proton-proton collisions at center-of-mass energies of $sqrt{s}=7$ TeV and 8 TeV. Our CGC+NRQCD computation provides a better description of data for $p_T leq 15$ GeV relative to extant next-to-leading (NLO) calculations within the collinear factorization framework. These results suggest that higher order computations in the CGC+NRQCD framework have the potential to greatly improve the accuracy of extracted values of the NRQCD universal long distance matrix elements.

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