The Re-Acceleration of the Shock Wave in the Radio Remnant of SN 1987A

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We report on updated radio imaging observations of the radio remnant of Supernova 1987A (SN 1987A) at 9 GHz, taken with the Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA), covering a 25-year period (1992-2017). We use Fourier modeling of the supernova remnant to model its morphology, using both a torus model and a ring model, and find both models show an increasing flux density, and have shown a continuing expansion of the remnant. As found in previous studies, we find the torus model most accurately fits our data, and has shown a change in the remnant expansion at Day 9,300 $pm$210 from 2,300 $pm$200 km/s to 3,610 $pm$240 km/s. We have also seen an increase in brightness in the western lobe of the remnant, although the eastern lobe is still the dominant source of emission, unlike what has been observed at contemporary optical and X-ray wavelengths. We expect to observe a reversal in this asymmetry by the year $sim$2020, and note the south-eastern side of the remnant is now beginning to fade, as has also been seen in optical and X-ray data. Our data indicate that high-latitude emission has been present in the remnant from the earliest stages of the shockwave interacting with the equatorial ring around Day 5,000. However, we find the emission has become increasingly dominated by the low-lying regions by Day 9,300, overlapping with the regions of X-ray emission. We conclude that the shockwave is now leaving the equatorial ring, exiting first from the south-east region of the remnant, and is re-accelerating as it begins to interact with the circumstellar medium beyond the dense inner ring.

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