Galactic Archaeology with asteroseismic ages: evidence for delayed gas infall in the formation of the Milky Way disc

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Precise stellar ages from asteroseismology have become available and can help setting stronger constraints on the evolution of the Galactic disc components. Recently, asteroseismology has confirmed a clear age difference in the solar annulus between two distinct sequences in the [$alpha$/Fe] versus [Fe/H] abundance ratios relation: the high-$alpha$ and low-$alpha$ stellar populations. We aim at reproducing these new data with chemical evolution models including different assumptions for the history and number of accretion events. We tested two different approaches: a revised version of the `two-infall model where the high-$alpha$ phase forms by a fast gas accretion episode and the low-$alpha$ sequence follows later from a slower gas infall rate, and the parallel formation scenario where the two disc sequences form coevally and independently. The revised `two-infall model including uncertainties in age and metallicity is capable of reproducing: i) the [$alpha$/Fe] vs. [Fe/H] abundance relation at different Galactic epochs, ii) the age$-$metallicity relation and the time evolution [$alpha$/Fe]; iii) the age distribution of the high-$alpha$ and low-$alpha$ stellar populations, iv) the metallicity distribution function. The parallel approach is not capable of properly reproduce the stellar age distribution, in particular at old ages. In conclusion, the best chemical evolution model is the revised `two-infall one, where a consistent delay of $sim$4.3 Gyr in the beginning of the second gas accretion episode is a crucial assumption to reproduce stellar abundances and ages.

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