The mass of the young planet Pictoris b through the astrometric motion of its host star

الملخص بالإنكليزية

The young massive Jupiters discovered with high-contrast imaging provide a unique opportunity to study the formation and early evolution of gas giant planets. A key question is to what extent gravitational energy from accreted gas contributes to the internal energy of a newly formed planet. This has led to a range of formation scenarios from cold to hot start models. For a planet of a given mass, these initial conditions govern its subsequent evolution in luminosity and radius. Except for upper limits from radial velocity studies, disk modelling, and dynamical instability arguments, no mass measurements of young planets are yet available to distinguish between these different models. Here we report on the detection of the astrometric motion of Beta Pictoris, the 21 Myr-old host star of an archetypical directly-imaged gas giant planet, around the systems centre of mass. Subtracting the highly accurate Hipparcos-Gaia proper motion from the internal 3-yr Hipparcos astrometric data reveals the reflex motion of the star, giving a model-independent planet mass of M=11+-2 MJup. This is consistent with scenarios in which the planet is formed in a high-entropy state as assumed by hot start models. The ongoing data collection by Gaia will in the near future lead to mass measurements of other young gas giants and form a great asset to further constrain early evolution scenarios.

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