Conformal limits and the Bialynicki-Birula stratification of the space of lambda-connections

الملخص بالإنكليزية

The Bialynicki-Birula decomposition of the space of lambda-connections restricts to the Morse stratification on the moduli space of Higgs bundles and to the partial oper stratification on the de Rham moduli space of holomorphic connections. For both the Morse and partial oper stratifications, every stratum is a holomorphic Lagrangian fibration over a component of the space of complex variations of Hodge structure. In this paper, we generalize known results for the Hitchin section and the space of opers to arbitrary strata. These include the following: a biholomorphic identification of the fibers of the two strata over a stable variation of Hodge structure via the h-bar-conformal limit of Gaiotto, a proof that the fibers of the Morse and partial oper stratifications are transverse at the base point, and an explicit parametrization of the fibers as half-dimensional affine spaces.

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