Ordering of hidden multipoles in spin-orbital entangled 5$d^{1}$ Ta chlorides

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Spin-orbit coupling of as large as a half eV for electrons in 5$d$ orbitals often gives rise to the formation of spin-orbital entangled objects, characterized by the effective total angular momentum $J_{eff}$. Of particular interest are the $J_{eff}$ = 3/2 states realized in 5$d^{1}$ transition metal ions surrounded by an anion octahedron. The pure $J_{eff}$ = 3/2 quartet does not have any magnetic dipolar moment (<$M$> = 0) but hosts hidden pseudo-dipolar moments accompanied by charge quadrupoles and magnetic octupoles. Cs$_2$TaCl$_6$ and Rb$_2$TaCl$_6$ are correlated insulators with 5$d^{1}$ Ta$^{4+}$ ions in a regular Cl octahedron. Here we demonstrate that these Ta chlorides have a substantially suppressed effective magnetic dipolar moment of ~ 0.2 ${mu}_B$. Two phase transitions are observed at low temperatures that are not pronounced in the magnetization but accompanied with large electronic entropy of $R$ln4. We ascribe the two transitions to the ordering of hidden multipoles.

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