Distance-Two Colorings of Barnette Graphs

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Barnette identified two interesting classes of cubic polyhedral graphs for which he conjectured the existence of a Hamiltonian cycle. Goodey proved the conjecture for the intersection of the two classes. We examine these classes from the point of view of distance-two colorings. A distance-two $r$-coloring of a graph $G$ is an assignment of $r$ colors to the vertices of $G$ so that any two vertices at distance at most two have different colors. Note that a cubic graph needs at least four colors. The distance-two four-coloring problem for cubic planar graphs is known to be NP-complete. We claim the problem remains NP-complete for tri-connected bipartite cubic planar graphs, which we call type-one Barnette graphs, since they are the first class identified by Barnette. By contrast, we claim the problem is polynomial for cubic plane graphs with face sizes $3, 4, 5,$ or $6$, which we call type-two Barnette graphs, because of their relation to Barnettes second conjecture. We call Goodey graphs those type-two Barnette graphs all of whose faces have size $4$ or $6$. We fully describe all Goodey graphs that admit a distance-two four-coloring, and characterize the remaining type-two Barnette graphs that admit a distance-two four-coloring according to their face size. For quartic plane graphs, the analogue of type-two Barnette graphs are graphs with face sizes $3$ or $4$. For this class, the distance-two four-coloring problem is also polynomial; in fact, we can again fully describe all colorable instances -- there are exactly two such graphs.

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