A Multi-Modal Chinese Poetry Generation Model

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Recent studies in sequence-to-sequence learning demonstrate that RNN encoder-decoder structure can successfully generate Chinese poetry. However, existing methods can only generate poetry with a given first line or users intent theme. In this paper, we proposed a three-stage multi-modal Chinese poetry generation approach. Given a picture, the first line, the title and the other lines of the poem are successively generated in three stages. According to the characteristics of Chinese poems, we propose a hierarchy-attention seq2seq model which can effectively capture character, phrase, and sentence information between contexts and improve the symmetry delivered in poems. In addition, the Latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA) model is utilized for title generation and improve the relevance of the whole poem and the title. Compared with strong baseline, the experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach, using machine evaluations as well as human judgments.

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