The MUSE Hubble Ultra Deep Field Survey: XII. MgII emission and absorption in star-forming galaxies

الملخص بالإنكليزية

The physical origin of the near-ultraviolet MgII emission remains an under-explored domain, contrary to more typical emission lines detected in the spectra of star-forming galaxies. We explore the nebular and physical properties for a sample of 381 galaxies between 0.70 < z < 2.34 drawn from the MUSE Hubble Ultra Deep Survey. The spectra of these galaxies show a wide variety of profiles of the MgII 2796,2803 resonant doublet, from absorption to emission. We present a study on the main drivers for the detection of MgII emission in galaxy spectra. By exploiting photoionization models we verified that the emission-line ratios observed in galaxies with MgII in emission are consistent with nebular emission from HII regions. From a simultaneous analysis of MUSE spectra and ancillary HST information via spectral energy distribution (SED) fitting, we find that galaxies with MgII in emission have lower stellar masses, smaller sizes, bluer spectral slopes and lower optical depth than those with absorption. This leads us to suggest that MgII emission is a potential tracer of physical conditions not merely related to those of the ionized gas. We show that these differences in MgII emission/absorption can be explained in terms of a higher dust and neutral gas content in the interstellar medium (ISM) of galaxies showing MgII in absorption, confirming the extreme sensitivity of MgII to the presence of the neutral ISM. We conclude with an analogy between the MgII doublet and the Ly-alpha line, due to their resonant nature. Further investigations with current and future facilities, including JWST, are promising as the detection of MgII emission and its potential connection with Ly-alpha could provide new insights on the ISM content in the early Universe.

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