Minmax Regret 1-Sink for Aggregate Evacuation Time on Path Networks

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Evacuation in emergency situations can be modeled by a dynamic flow network. Two criteria have been used before: one is the evacuation completion time and the other is the aggregate evacuation time of individual evacuees. The aim of this paper is to optimize the aggregate evacuation time in the simplest case, where the network is a path and only one evacuation center (called a sink) is to be introduced. The evacuees are initially located at the vertices, but their precise numbers are unknown, and are given by upper and lower bounds. Under this assumption, we compute the sink location that minimizes the maximum regret. We present an $O(n^2log n)$ time algorithm to solve this problem, improving upon the previously fastest $O(n^3)$ time algorithm, where $n$ is the number of vertices.

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