Light with nonzero orbital angular momentum (OAM) or twisted light is promising for quantum communication applications such as OAM-entangled photonic qubits. There exist photonic OAM to photonic spin angular momentum (SAM), as well as photonic SAM to electronic SAM interfaces but not any direct photonic OAM-electronic SAM (flying to stationary) media converter within a single device. Here, we propose a scheme which converts photonic OAM to electronic SAM and vice versa within a single nanophotonic device. We employed a photonic crystal nanocavity with an embedded quantum dot (QD) which confines an electron spin as a stationary qubit. Spin polarized emission from the QD drive the rotation of the nanocavity modes via the strong optical spin-orbit interaction. The rotating modes then radiate light with nonzero OAM, allowing this device to serve as a transmitter. As this can be a unitary process, the time-reversed case enables the device to function as a receiver. This scheme could be generalized to other systems of resonator and quantum emitters such as a microdisk and defects in diamond for example. Our scheme shows the potential for realizing an (ultra)compact electronic SAM-photonic OAM interface to accommodate OAM as an additional degree of freedom for quantum information purposes.