Plasmonics in free space: observation of giant wavevectors, vortices and energy backflow in superoscillatory optical fields

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Evanescent light can be localized at the nanoscale by resonant absorption in a plasmonic nanoparticle or taper or by transmission through a nanohole. However, a conventional lens cannot focus free-space light beyond half of the wavelength {lambda}. Nevertheless, precisely tailored interference of multiple waves can form a hotspot in free space of arbitrarily small size known as superoscillation. Here, we report a new type of integrated metamaterial interferometry that allows for the first time mapping of fields with deep subwavelength resolution ~ {lambda}/100. It reveals that electromagnetic field near the superoscillatory hotspot has many features similar to those found near resonant plasmonic nanoparticles or nanoholes: the hotspots are surrounded by nanoscale phase singularities (~ {lambda}/50 in size) and zones where the phase of the wave changes more than tenfold faster than in a standing wave. These areas with high local wavevectors are pinned to phase vortices and zones of energy backflow (~ {lambda}/20 in size) that contribute to tightening of the main focal spot size beyond the Abbe-Rayleigh limit. Our observations reveal the analogy between plasmonic nano-focusing of evanescent waves and superoscillatory nano-focusing of free-space waves, and prove the fundamental link between superoscillations and superfocusing offering new opportunities for nanoscale metrology and imaging.

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