Efficient Exploration of Gradient Space for Online Learning to Rank

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Online learning to rank (OL2R) optimizes the utility of returned search results based on implicit feedback gathered directly from users. To improve the estimates, OL2R algorithms examine one or more exploratory gradient directions and update the current ranker if a proposed one is preferred by users via an interleaved test. In this paper, we accelerate the online learning process by efficient exploration in the gradient space. Our algorithm, named as Null Space Gradient Descent, reduces the exploration space to only the emph{null space} of recent poorly performing gradients. This prevents the algorithm from repeatedly exploring directions that have been discouraged by the most recent interactions with users. To improve sensitivity of the resulting interleaved test, we selectively construct candidate rankers to maximize the chance that they can be differentiated by candidate ranking documents in the current query; and we use historically difficult queries to identify the best ranker when tie occurs in comparing the rankers. Extensive experimental comparisons with the state-of-the-art OL2R algorithms on several public benchmarks confirmed the effectiveness of our proposal algorithm, especially in its fast learning convergence and promising ranking quality at an early stage.

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