Fundamental classes in motivic homotopy theory

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We develop the theory of fundamental classes in the setting of motivic homotopy theory. Using this we construct, for any motivic spectrum, an associated bivariant theory in the sense of Fulton-MacPherson. We import the tools of Fultons intersection theory into this setting: (refined) Gysin maps, specialization maps, and formulas for excess intersections, self-intersections, and blow-ups. We also develop a theory of Euler classes of vector bundles in this setting. For the Milnor-Witt spectrum recently constructed by Deglise-Fasel, we get a bivariant theory extending the Chow-Witt groups of Barge-Morel, in the same way the higher Chow groups extend the classical Chow groups. As another application we prove a motivic Gauss-Bonnet formula, computing Euler characteristics in the motivic homotopy category.

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