Sakharovs induced gravity and the Poincare gauge theory

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We explore Sakharovs seminal idea that gravitational dynamics is induced by the quantum corrections from the matter sector. This was the starting point of the view that gravity has an emergent origin, which soon gained impetus due to the advent of black hole thermodynamics. In the generalized framework of Riemann--Cartan spacetime with both curvature and torsion, the induced gravitational action is obtained for free nonminimally coupled scalar and Dirac fields. For a realistic matter content, the induced Newton constant is obtained to be of the magnitude of the ultraviolet cutoff, which implies that the cutoff is of the order of the Planck mass. Finally, we conjecture that the action for any gauge theory of gravity at low energies can be induced by Sakharovs mechanism. This is explicitly shown by obtaining the Poincare gauge theory of gravity.

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